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Understanding Brain Zaps: A Common Withdrawal Experience
If you've recently stopped or reduced your dosage of certain medications, primarily antidepressants, you may be experiencing an odd sensation known as "brain zaps."...
Is Black Salt Better than Regular Salt? Uses and Benefits
Black salt is a popular ingredient, hailed for both its potential health benefits as well as its unique flavor and aroma.
Not only is it...
Protein Shakes to Help Achieve Weight Loss Goals
Losing weight is never an easy feat. It’s disheartening to lose 10 pounds through sweat and tears only to gain them back after a...
The Rise of Anxiety Symptoms and Types
It’s not just your imagination; rates of anxiety are increasing, especially among young people. Anxiety disorders are now the most common mental illness in...
Dyslipidemia Causes Symptoms and Natural Treatments
Dyslipidemia Causes
Dyslipidemia is a boost of plasma cholesterol, triglycerides (TGs), or both of them, or a deficient HDL cholesterol level that assists in the...