Asperger’s Symptoms & Natural Ways to Treat Them


Asperger's symptoms

Asperger’s Symptoms

There’s a good chance you know at least one person with autism, which is now the most well-publicized pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) there is.

There’s been an alarming rise in autism rates over the past 20–30 years, leading to a growing body of research and treatment development improvements.

But did you know that an estimated 31 million people around the world deal with Asperger’s, a similar condition that gets much less publicity?

Some experts believe the prevalence of Asperger’s may even be much higher, around 68 million worldwide.

Asperger’s is a developmental disorder that can make it difficult for people — particularly children — to interact with others, as social skills are delayed.

Now, that doesn’t mean that just because someone is socially awkward, he or she has

Asperger’s syndrome, there are many reasons why a child may be shy and socially withdrawn.

Still, experts encourage parents to learn the signs and symptoms of Asperger’s so they can monitor if their child is developing appropriately.

Below we’ll take a look at what Asperger’s syndrome entails and identify the most common Asperger’s symptoms.

Once diagnosed, can be Asperger’s be treated?

There is no cure for Asperger’s syndrome, but natural treatments and remedies are beneficial— similar to natural autism treatments.

Several therapy programs are in place for individuals with Asperger’s symptoms, including cognitive behavioral therapy and group therapy.

People with Asperger’s can also focus on calming and confidence-boosting activities such as yoga and music therapy.

What Is Asperger’s Syndrome?

Asperger’s syndrome is a pervasive developmental disorder that involves delays in developing necessary skills, especially the ability to socialize and communicate with others and use imagination.

It often isn’t until a child or adult begins to have severe difficulties in school, the workplace, or in his/her personal life that Asperger’s will be diagnosed.

Many adults receive a diagnosis only after seeking help for related issues, such as depression or anxiety.

Asperger’s syndrome was named for the Austrian pediatrician Hans Asperger, who first described the disorder in 1944. Dr. Asperger described four patients with similar social difficulties.

He noticed that their intelligence levels were normal, but the children lacked nonverbal communication skills and failed to display empathy for their peers.

He also noted that they demonstrated an all-absorbing interest in narrow topics, which dominated their conversations with others.

Dr. Asperger’s findings went unnoticed until 1981, when English physician Lorna Wing published a series of case studies involving children with similar symptoms.

Wing’s findings were widely published and popularized. In 1994, Asperger’s syndrome was added to the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, which clinicians and researchers use to diagnose and classify mental disorders (the DSM is now in its 5th edition).

Asperger’s syndrome is classified as an autism spectrum disorder and no longer has its diagnosis.

It was eliminated in 2013 as its condition, making it even more challenging to distinguish between classic autism. That’s because many of the symptoms are the same.

6 Common Asperger’s Symptoms

Common Asperger’s symptoms can include:

  • Awkward social skills — difficulty interacting with others and maintaining conversations
  • Repetitive and eccentric behaviors — hand-wringing or finger-twisting
  • Unordinary rituals or preoccupations — getting dressed in a specific order.
  • Trouble communicating — avoid eye contact, not displaying expressions, neglect body language
  • Limited range of interests — obsessive
  • Coordination difficulties — clumsy and awkward movements
  • Being highly skilled in one area — music or math, for example

Below are more details about some of the most common Asperger’s symptoms:

1. Failure to Develop Friendships 

Children and adults with Asperger’s syndrome may have difficulty connecting with their peers due to a lack of “social skills.” Social tasks like talking one-on-one, making eye contact, and participating in group activities may be hard for people with Asperger’s.

Most people with Asperger’s appear to want to connect with their peers but aren’t comfortable with these social engagements.

A lack of eye contact may also make people with Asperger’s seem unengaged in a conversation.

It may seem that they don’t understand the use of gestures and sarcasm, so they appear to be “socially awkward.”

Another Asperger’s symptom is “selective mutism,” which occurs when young children or adults only speak freely and comfortably with people they know well but not with strangers.

It may seem like they are merely timid, but the difference is that they also display other signs of being socially withdrawn.

2. Inability to Empathize

People with Asperger’s find it difficult to empathize or understand the feelings of others.

For this reason, they may come off as insensitive when they don’t understand the appropriate behaviors in certain situations.

Over time, an individual with Asperger’s can learn the accepted social behaviors and responses.

Still, although he/she may react appropriately at the moment, he/she may even not truly understand why the person is upset.

People with Asperger’s may also have trouble understanding the intent behind another person’s actions, so they may misunderstand humor or not pick up on subtleties in someone’s use of words and tone.

This is why social interactions can sometimes be too overwhelming for people with Asperger’s — because they cannot see things from another person’s perspective; they aren’t able to predict or understand their actions.

3. Difficulty Speaking and Eccentric or Repetitive Behaviors

According to Autism Speaks, individuals with Asperger’s syndrome can sometimes have a peculiar manner of speaking. Sometimes they talk overly loud or in a monotone voice.

People with Asperger’s usually have excellent language skills, but they use language differently than most other people.

Their speaking patterns may be unusual, with a rhythmic nature. They may come across as too formal, or their speech may even be high-pitched.

Individuals with Asperger’s may also have trouble controlling their emotions, such as laughing or crying easily and at inappropriate times.

They can also have motor skill delays, coming across as awkward or clumsy.

4. Narrowed Interest

A child with Asperger’s may develop a keen, sometimes obsessive interest in a few areas, such as music, weather, math, planes, or maps.

This serves as the most distinguishing Asperger’s symptom. Children with Asperger’s typically know everything about their topic of interest, and their conversations with others are about little else.

They tend to become exceptionally talented and skilled in this particular area, too, learning a great deal of information and facts that they memorize and can repeat.

5. Sticking to a Routine or Ritual

People with Asperger’s sometimes develop a routine or ritual that they refuse to alter.

They can become fixated on ensuring that their external environment and daily routines remain constant because sudden changes may exceed their coping mechanisms and make them feel anxious.

6. Tics and Behavioral Abnormalities

Those with Asperger’s may experience motor or phonic tics in addition to other behavioral abnormalities.

Some researchers believe that this is due to sensory deprivation, which contributes to the development of unusual and sometimes involuntary movements.

Asperger’s Symptoms vs. Autism Symptoms

As mentioned above, there is a lot of overlap between Asperger’s symptoms and autism symptoms. The most apparent signs and symptoms of autism usually emerge between the ages of 2 and 3, and they include:

  • Need for repeated rituals
  • Repetitive and compulsive behaviors
  • Repetition of certain motor activities
  • Tantrums
  • Headbanging
  • Hand or limb flapping
  • Spinning
  • Body rocking
  • Flicking
  • Scratching
  • Tracing
  • Feeling textures
  • Tapping
  • Teeth grinding
  • Grunting
  • Yelling

These symptoms also often appear in children with Asperger’s, which may explain why the Asperger’s diagnosis was disbanded and is now instead included in the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) umbrella.

The most significant difference is these two conditions is how these disorders are perceived.

While they’re incredibly similar in many ways, Asperger’s patients typically function at a higher level than those with autism.

It may be challenging to detect Asperger’s, especially in children, because those who have it often have average intelligence and near-normal language development.

While this topic is still controversial, when Asperger’s is compared to autism, those with autism typically seem to have more difficulty with verbal communications and sometimes a lower IQ.

However, children with both conditions have trouble expressing their feelings, don’t hold eye contact, and have difficulty picking up on others’ body language and gestures.

They both display obsessive behaviors and can be sensitive to external senses like sounds, clothing, and even food.

It can be so difficult to differentiate Asperger’s and high-functioning autism that it can be nearly impossible at times.

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10 Natural Remedies for Asperger’s Symptoms

1. Individual and Group Therapy (Including) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a type of therapeutic approach that helps a person become more aware of inaccurate or negative thinking so he/she can view challenging situations more clearly, thereby responding to these triggers more effectively.

This type of therapy helps people with Asperger’s shift the way they interpret situations, feel about challenging situations, and choose to respond to them.

With a therapist’s help, the patient is encouraged to challenge his/her beliefs and automatic thoughts through various techniques.

He/she may also practice relaxation exercises that can be calming when faced with challenging situations, such as deep breathing exercises and using internal dialogue techniques.

Family members can also get involved by joining therapy sessions to help the patient with his/her therapy techniques when real-life situations arise.

A 2010 systematic review conducted at the University of California evaluated studies involving anxiety in people with an autism spectrum disorder using cognitive behavioral therapy.

Each study was analyzed and critically appraised before conclusions were determined.

Researchers found that every study reported positive outcomes, suggesting that this therapy type is an effective treatment for individuals with Asperger’s.

2. Group “Social Skills” Programs

Group social skills interventions (GSSIs) are commonly offered for children with Asperger’s or high functioning autism.

They serve as a support system for individuals with Asperger’s and their families. The Asperger/Autism Network, for instance, offers a comprehensive array of programs and services for the Asperger’s community.

The goal of group programs is to offer support and an environment where social skills can be improved.

These are open to parents of children with Asperger’s, parents of teens with Asperger’s, and adults with Asperger’s.

Online forums, conferences, seminars, and workshops are also available online to help with social-skill building.

These programs work to empower individuals with Asperger’s, and they build a sense of community.

Group therapy is sometimes called “social skills group therapy,” which is used to prepare better an individual to cope with social and interpersonal expectations.

A review of research published in Psychiatry found that social skills group therapy can help children improve their greeting and play skills.

Some studies showed that displaying these skills outside of the clinic where the therapy sessions were held was more difficult, but greeting skills improved significantly.

The researchers concluded that social skills group therapy could help teach and reinforce necessary communication skills in the clinic setting. Still, in general, it is more difficult to achieve for some patients.

One meta-analysis found that GSSIs helped to improve social communication and restricted interests, and repetitive behaviors.

The GSSIs that had the most impact included parents in the groups and higher duration and intensity.

3. Speech and Language Therapy

Speech therapy may be helpful for children with communication difficulties. These difficulties are not how the children speak or pronounce words but how they perceive the meaning of other people’s names and respond to them.

A speech therapist helps children with Asperger’s understand what other people mean when they speak. The children practice how to extract the meaning of other people’s speech, which can be difficult for them to understand.

Speech therapy can also aid children and adults with Asperger’s syndrome by communicating their ideas more clearly, which can prevent arguments and misunderstandings, thereby reducing frustration/anger.

Finally, speech therapy is beneficial for practicing problem-solving and working on the organization.

4. Music Therapy

Using music to reinforce communication can be helpful for individuals with autism and Asperger’s syndrome.

Music is used to enhance social skills and communication development.

The positive effects on spoken and gestural communication have been noted in small trial studies. Clinical practices often pair music therapy with other interventions, such as group therapy.

5. Occupational and Physical Therapy

Individuals with Asperger’s syndrome may use occupational therapy and physical therapy to maintain their highest level of function in daily living activities — which include dressing, bathing, grooming, eating, and playing.

Occupational and physical therapy can also focus on building work skills, which is essential for young adults with Asperger’s who are interested in earning an income and maintaining a job.

Playtime is another essential element of occupational therapy because it contributes to healthy self-esteem and communication with others.

6. Yoga & Other Relaxation Exercises

Studies suggest that yoga benefits include increasing one’s sense of well-being and control; it also can decrease anxiety, reduce aggression, and help individuals regulate their emotions.

Additionally, yoga facilitates deeper inhaling and exhaling, which calms the nervous system and works as a natural stress reliever.

Experiencing a group yoga class can also help people with Asperger’s make new friends and work on their communication skills.

The key is for yoga to be practiced in a calm and comfortable atmosphere that allows participants with Asperger’s to explore different sensory experiences.

One study that tested the effects of an Integrated Approach to Yoga Therapy module applied to Autism Spectrum Disorders over two academic years found that the program resulted in significant improvements in imitation and other skills and behavior at home and family relationships.

The researchers hypothesize that guided imitation of therapist body positions stimulated mirror neuron activation, resulting in an improved sense of self in children with ASD.

7. Dietary Changes (Including Increasing Magnesium Foods)

Magnesium-rich foods — such as spinach, chard, pumpkin seeds, yogurt, almonds, avocado, figs, and bananas — can help fight anxiety and depression.

They also increase the production of the antioxidant glutathione and improve nerve function.

Making sure to eat at least three servings of vegetables a day can boost one’s daily nutrient intake and provides plenty of vitamins and minerals that may be able to relieve some Asperger’s symptoms.

Some research suggests that eliminating the proteins gluten (found in wheat, barley, and rye) and casein protein (found in milk products) can help, as both can aggravate symptoms of Asperger’s because they act as false opiate neuropeptides after being absorbed by a damaged or leaky intestinal lining.

Some small studies have found improvements after eliminating these proteins. Still, it’s not clear if the improvements are due to eliminating lactose in children who are lactose intolerant or other changes related to the alternation in protein sources and food compositions nowadays.

8. Omega-3 Fatty Acid Foods & Supplements

In particular, polyunsaturated fatty acids, in particular omega-3 fatty acids, are crucial for brain development and cannot be manufactured in the body.

Oral supplementation with essential fatty acids has become famous for children with developmental disorders, including those experiencing symptoms of ADHD and autism.

Omega 3 foods include wild-caught fish (like salmon, sardines, halibut, and mackerel), cage-free eggs, grass-fed beef, walnuts, and flaxseeds (in smaller amounts).

In 2007, a study conducted at the Department of Child and Adolescent Neuropsychiatry in Vienna, Austria, found that omega-3 fatty acids may be an effective treatment for children with autism, suggesting they may also help treat Asperger’s symptoms.

A dose of 1.5 grams per day for six weeks improved the symptoms of autism with no adverse side effects.

9. Supplements (Including Vitamin B6/Magnesium)

Vitamin B6 and magnesium have been used as a popular treatment for autism and mental health disorders for over 20 years.

A 2006 study conducted in France involved 33 children with clinical symptoms of PDD or autism.

The children were followed for at least six months. Another group of 36 children was used as the control group.

Researchers found that B6/magnesium supplementation improved PDD symptoms in 23 of 33 children with no adverse side effects — also, 23 of 33 experienced improved social reactions, and 24 of 33 displayed enhanced communication.

10. Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender oil has a variety of therapeutic and curative properties. It helps induce relaxation, and studies have shown that it may effectively treat several neurological disorders.

Individuals with Asperger’s are sometimes susceptible to smells, so it’s important not to push essential oils if it makes the person uncomfortable.

Those who are comfortable with the fragrance, diffuse five drops of lavender at home to create a calming and relaxing environment, or dilute two to three drops with coconut oil and apply to the wrists, bottoms of the feet, and back of the neck.

Conventional Treatment for Asperger’s Syndrome

If Asperger’s symptoms are present in a child, a doctor will begin an evaluation to diagnose.

The evaluation involves a complete medical history and physical and neurological exam. There are no specific tests that can detect Asperger’s syndrome, but many people with Asperger’s have coordination issues and low muscle tone that a doctor may recognize.

Doctors may also use blood tests and X-rays to determine if another health or physical issue is causing what seems like Asperger’s symptoms.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) criteria for Asperger’s specifies that the individual must have “severe and sustained impairment in social interaction,

the development of restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, and interests and activities that must cause clinically significant impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.”

According to the Autism Society, early diagnosis is essential as children with Asperger’s syndrome diagnosed and treated early in life have an increased chance of being successful in school and eventually living independently.

Common conventional treatments include:

1. Neurofeedback

Neurofeedback, a type of biofeedback therapy called Neurotherapy, is a brain-training method that uses real-time displays of brain activity to teach self-regulation of brain function.

Sensors are placed on the scalp to measure brain waves, producing a signal that can be used as feedback.

The results are shown as a color-coded map on a computer screen that indicates areas of the brain where there is too much or too little brain-wave activity.

The goal is to teach patients to produce positive brain-wave patterns.

The patient wears headgear that is similar to that worn while playing video games. Producing brain-wave activity in specific areas of the brain will show up on the patient’s screen to see. This type of therapy is commonly used for patients with ADHD, as well.

A 2010 study published in Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback evaluated 150 clients with Asperger’s syndrome and nine clients with autistic spectrum disorder over 15 years.

Researchers were looking for a change in symptoms as a result of neurofeedback therapy.

The client received 40–60 sessions of therapy, combined with training in metacognitive strategies relevant to social understanding, spatial reasoning, reading comprehension, and math.

These strategies were only taught when the neurofeedback indicated that the client was relaxed, calm, and focused.

As a result of this type of therapy, significant improvements were found in measures of attention, core symptoms, achievement, and intelligence.

The Full-Scale IQ score’s average gain was nine points, and the positive outcomes included decreased ADHD and Asperger’s symptoms.

There are some potential side effects of neurofeedback. Repetitive overstimulation during treatment can trigger anxiety, agitation, and panic attacks.

If this were to happen, alterations to treatment would have to be made to alleviate these reactions. Of course, any medication intended to alter brain waves can cause temporary side effects and should be used with great care by a qualified practitioner.

If the treatments are handled too aggressively or with too much repetition, there can be adverse side effects.

2. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors

These medications are used to relieve anxiety and depression in individuals who display Asperger’s symptoms.

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) ease depression by affecting neurotransmitters that communicate with brain cells.

They block the neurotransmitter serotonin’s reabsorption to the brain, changing the balance of serotonin and boosting the individual’s mood.

SSRIs’ side effects include nausea, nervousness, dizziness, headaches, insomnia, vomiting, and diarrhea.

3. Antipsychotics

Affect neurotransmitters (such as dopamine) that allow communication between nerve cells. Antipsychotics are most commonly used to help treat patients with schizophrenia and related disorders.

4. Stimulants

Stimulants are used to increase alertness, attention, and energy. They may also elevate heart rate and blood pressure.

They’re commonly used to treat individuals with neurological disorders because they can enhance the effects of chemicals in the brain.

Unfortunately, there has been a dramatic increase in stimulant prescriptions over the last two decades. People opt for medicines to stimulants such as Concerta and Adderall because they are perceived as safe and effective.

But stimulant use may come with withdrawal symptoms after treatment, depression, disturbance of sleep patterns, and fatigue. They can also lead to feelings of hostility or paranoia.

Asperger's by the numbers -

Root Causes of Asperger’s Symptoms

According to estimates for the U.S. and Canada, the range for Asperger’s syndrome cases ranges from one in every 250 children to one every 10,000.

Because the syndrome is recognized as a unique disorder, the exact number of people with the disease is unknown.

Asperger’s symptoms are four to eight times more likely to develop in males than in females. It’s usually first diagnosed between the ages of 2 and 6, as communicative and language skills are beginning to emerge.

This is different than autistic disorder, which is usually apparent before the age of 3.

Sometimes Asperger’s symptoms are confused with other behavioral issues, such as ADHD.

Many people are diagnosed initially with ADHD until it is realized that the symptoms stem from an inability to socialize appropriately instead of a failure to focus.

Key Points 

  • Asperger’s is now classified under the umbrella of autism spectrum disorder. Asperger’s symptoms affect anywhere from 31 million to 68 million people worldwide.
  • The most common Asperger’s symptoms include failure to develop friendships, inability to empathize, eccentric or repetitive behaviors, narrowed interest, and sticking to a routine or ritual.
  • It’s easy to confuse Asperger’s with other disorders, so it’s important to diagnose early — early treatment can lead to better treatment and quicker development for those with Asperger’s. Asperger’s and autism have many of the same symptoms. However, people with Asperger’s tend to have higher IQs and average intelligence, near-normal language skills, and are more high-functioning.

Eight natural and conventional treatments for Asperger’s symptoms include:

  • Individual and group therapy
  • Support groups
  • Music therapy
  • Physical therapy
  • Yoga
  • Essential oils
  • Lifestyle changes like dietary improvement and supplements
  • Use of neurofeedback and medications