Athazagoraphobia, the Fear of Being Forgotten, What You Need to Know



How do you define athazagoraphobia?

Phobias are chronic anxiety disorders that can disrupt your everyday life. For some, the condition may trigger intense feelings of anxiety, panic, stress, and fear.

In extreme instances, there is a possibility of mental or physical reactions that can disrupt your everyday life.

Athazagoraphobia is the fear of losing a person or thing and also anxiety about not being remembered.

For instance, You or someone close to you might be suffering from fear or anxiety about becoming the victim of Alzheimer’s disease or losing memory. This could result from caring for someone who has dementia or Alzheimer’s. The condition is known as dementia.

There is also the possibility that your family member suffering from Alzheimer’s disease might not be able to remember you.

Learn more about athazagoraphobia.

What is the reason for fear of not being remembered

It’s not easy to pinpoint the root of worries, but experts believe genetic and environmental factors cause-specific phobias.

This could be due to experiences from childhood, like being isolated as an infant, close family connections, such as relatives who have dementia, or fears related to memory.

The majority of fearful behaviors are classified into specific groups. They could, for instance, be related to circumstances like the fear of getting Alzheimer’s disease, or objects like books, or the environment such as fear of heights.

You could be more vulnerable to specific phobias when you are:

  • having a traumatizing experience that triggers the fear
  • a direct link, similar to the family member with a fear or anxiety disorder.
  • You have a sensitive personality or are shy or introverted

Specific guidelines are outlined in the American Psychiatric Association (APA) in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) to particular fears. Presently the APA does not consider athazagoraphobia to be an individual type of phobia or disorder.

Yet, studies have found that many suffer from anxiety and fears due to loss of memory. The conditions like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are a few instances of that the worry of losing objects or people could be a serious concern.

Family members of those with Alzheimer’s and dementia may be anxious about being ostracized by their loved relatives.

An immediate connection to an individual from the family who suffers from memory loss may cause long-term anxiety and fears.

Athazagoraphobia signs

Specific symptoms of phobias differ based on the level of the fear. The majority of people experience anxiety as the main symptom. Other people may experience a combination of emotional and physical symptoms.

They comprise:

  • panic attacks
  • The body is aching
  • Tension in the muscles
  • higher heart rate
  • higher blood pressure
  • dizziness
  • Nervousness, restlessness
  • fainting
  • sweating
  • nausea
  • depression
  • Stay clear of social situations
  • Inattention or lack of focus

How do you deal with it?

Phobias are not uncommon. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), 12.5 percent of Americans suffer from a specific fear at some point throughout their lives. A majority of people have mild concerns that they can control but don’t need treatment.

Certain people are affected by the rigors of anxiety, and fear could adversely affect their lives. The practice of coping techniques can help to reduce and offer relief from the fear.

Some of the most helpful strategies for coping techniques include:

  • exercises, such as yoga
  • techniques for focused breathing
  • aromatherapy
  • balanced diet
  • by using a journal of thoughts
  • Support systems are essential to have
  • Learning to reduce stress through staying clear of triggers for phobias

When should you visit a physician

Everyone experiences moments of fear or anxiety. If your concern is long-lasting or so intense that it restricts your life’s activities or affects your family’s health, then it may be helpful to talk to an expert in mental health.

Mental health professionals can help by:

  • talking about what’s making you anxious
  • aiding you in understanding the triggers and fears that are specific to you
  • conducting a physical exam and obtaining your medical background
  • determining if there are any other health issues or medication as a cause

What do I get athazagoraphobia diagnosed?

The classification of any form of phobia is based on the severity of the symptom as determined by the DSM-5 criteria.

As athazagoraphobia doesn’t have a place in the DSM-5 guidelines, an expert in health care will usually examine your medical history and symptoms.

This could involve a review of any childhood traumas or family history, as well as other factors that could cause your anxiety or anxiety.

Athazagoraphobia Treatment

The treatment for any anxiety disorder is contingent on the severity of the disorder could be. It usually involves coping strategies, therapy, as medication in the event of need.

Options can be used to include:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Meditation and breathing techniques for mindfulness
  • anti-anxiety medication
  • antidepressants, for instance, selective serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)


Phobias are common, and they can be mild or severe, but they can also lead to stress, fear, and panic attacks.

People afflicted with phobias often hold off living their lives fully. There are a variety of ways to manage fear.

Find out what triggers your fear and how to ease your anxiety. It could be a relaxing drink of tea, soothing sound, aromatherapy, or taking a stroll.

Options for long-term treatment include cognitive behavior therapy to reduce symptoms and bring peace and clarity.

Today, multiple applications can help you manage anxiety. Some are entirely free, and others require a minimal subscription fee. If you suffer from slight anxiety, try several to test whether they can help you.

Help is as well available on the internet through these organizations:

Speak with an expert in mental health regarding your particular concerns and the strategies and tools you can implement into your everyday routine to help you conquer your fear and live your most fulfilling life.