Beard Transplant – 5 Sly Benefits Of Beard Transplant


Beard Transplant

Beard Transplant Procedure

Even when they cease shaving for a while, many guys cannot develop a beard. Commonly, their stubble does not grow uniformly on their faces, ending in uneven facial hair rather than a stylish beard.

Perhaps your absence of or inadequate facial hair runs in your family. If your facial hair isn’t growing, you may look at a beard transplant, comparable to how people with retreating hairlines get their hair transplanted.

However, before this can take place, a doctor will require to check out your skin and hair to see if you are a proper candidate for the operation. You’ll also have to determine whether you wish to make that expenditure.

It is not a guarantee, like alternative medical procedures, that you will get the best results desirable. A beard transplant is usually a risky procedure.

However, if you can get an experienced doctor who can assist you in growing a beard that will last your entire life, go for it! You’ve probably heard about the benefits of growing a beard.

Men with beards are physically more robust, masculine, and even mature, according to studies.

Sadly, not all men have an abundance of natural facial hair; some must live their entire lives with patchy beards. What would you do?

What Is A Beard Transplant?

It is removing hair from other parts of your body (usually from under your chin or the backside of your head) and implanting it in your face. Usually, 4,000 to 7,000 hairs can be transplanted sequentially. To ensure that the beard appears natural, some surgeons may use two hairs for each graft.

Backside of head hair transplant

We should note that this is not a simple task because the surgeon must ensure that each hair points in the correct direction.

A significant number of men get beard implants to conceal scars, but an increasing minority does it primarily to have a good-looking beard.

Procedure for Transplanting a Beard

We summarize the steps in a beard transplant procedure below:


First, regardless of whether you choose FUT or FUE, the surgeon will shave the area of your head that will be harvested. This provides them with a clear view of the hair follicles.

A local anesthetic will be administered prior to harvesting to ensure that both the harvesting and the transplantation are painless.

The surgeon will then administer a local anesthetic into the area of your face where the hair follicles harvested from your scalp will be implanted.

Following that, they will transplant each hair follicle into your facial skin, with the doctor creating the beard shape you agreed on prior to the surgery’s start.


It takes a day to recover from beard implant surgery. Small crusts may form around newly implanted hair follicles, but these will fall off in a few days. After about 7-10 days, you should be able to shave and trim your new beard.

Keep the following in mind: The new beard hairs may flake off after about 2-3 weeks, but don’t worry, new hair will grow to replace them.

Who Is the Appropriate Candidate for This Procedure?

Healthy hair is essential, especially at the base of the scalp, where hair follicles are harvested. Have in mind that the back of your head is usually the last to go bald, so if you’re losing hair at the front of your scalp, there will almost certainly be some healthy hair growing there as well.

Your transplant specialist will examine your head to determine whether the number of follicular units to be transplanted is sufficient.

If they discover that the hair follicles are insufficient, your surgeon may recommend other treatment options.

Different Beard Transplants

The two main types of beard transplants are Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). The physicians get the hair from another part of the body in both methods.

In an FUE beard transplant, single follicles are typically grafted one by one from the donor area and harvested over an extensive region. There are only a few tiny white circular scars left.

The doctor can usually gather one follicle out of every five, but this is determined by the quality of the procedure and the doctor’s skills. FUE is the most commonly used beard transplant method.

In a FUT beard transplant, a microscopic dissection procedure is used to remove a small strip of tissue from the donor region. The doctor then stitched the wound up, leaving only a fine scar.

Let’s compare the two procedures further by examining their benefits and drawbacks. You’ll notice that FUE always has the upper hand.

• The FUE procedure has a shorter healing time and does not leave a linear scar, as the FUT method does. As a result, one advantage of opting for FUE is that you can resume your physical activities quickly.

• The FUE technique leaves minute white scars that are barely visible, even in areas of the scalp with short hair. The spots typically cover a larger area than FUT, but they are difficult to see.

• Patients who choose the FUE procedure are less comfortable than those who choose the FUT technique.

• A FUT strip typically contains more hair, allowing the patient to achieve maximum fullness quickly after the transplant.
• We got The FUT donor strip from the mid-portion of a harvest area to get enough grafts.

Beard Transplant vs Hair Transplant?

The main difference between a beard implant is that beard and scalp hair differ slightly. Individual hair units make up most of mustache and beard hairs.

Though it is not always visible, beard growth begins during puberty and is aided by androgens (the male sex hormones). Then, for the next 20 years, they become denser.

Androgen overactivity is the most common cause of scalp hair loss and male pattern baldness. Some men’s hair follicles on their scalps are more sensitive to certain hormones.

Keep in mind that beard density and growth typically vary by ethnic group; for example, Middle Eastern and Indian men have denser beards, whereas Asian men have less hair and density in their beards than African and Caucasian men.

Remember that the hair on your scalp is denser than the hair on your beard and face. There are many similarities between scalp and beard hair, though scalp hair is circular (or oval) in shape and beard hair is elliptical.


The transplanting technique for beard and scalp hair is the same, but the planning differs. If you’re getting a beard transplant, the specialist will need to examine your face to determine how many grafts you’ll need.


In scalp and beard implant techniques, the procedure for removing grafts from the donor regions is similar (FUE procedures). The plan of the recipient site and graft distribution, on the other hand, are significant differences.

The scalp-to-beard method is the preferred and most popular method for a beard transplant, but the area below the chin can also be a donor area.

The doctor may get donor hair from various body parts, such as the chest, for hair transplant. The doctors make more minor cuts in facial hair transplants, which is a significant difference between the two procedures.

The fact that both hair and beard transplants provide permanent solutions is a similarity and benefit. Your hair will not become patchy again after you have undergone the procedure.

How to Tell if a Beard Implant is Working

Regardless of the technique used, hair follicles that have been transplanted are usually firmly in place and grow within 3-4 months. If you have a full, healthy beard by the 8th to 9th month, you know that the beard implant was successful, and no one will know you had the procedure.

Both FUT and FUE can produce natural-looking beards, though FUT beards are typically fuller. This is due to the removal of a strip of skin and the harvesting of more hair follicles. FUT is the best option for those who prefer a thick beard.

A beard transplant procedure rarely goes wrong, and when it does, it’s usually due to poor donor region harvesting. As a result, you should ask for an experienced hair restoration physician, even if they charge a higher fee than others.

How Much Are Beard Implants?

Beard implants are expensive. They may charge you up to $15,000 depending on the number of grafts required. If you don’t have hair in certain areas of your face, you can get partial transplants, which may cost between $3,000 and $7,000.

This is also determined by the number of grafts that will be transplanted. During your consultation with your doctor, you can discuss the cost of a beard transplant.

Before the procedure, your doctor will examine your face and scalp to determine if you are a suitable candidate. You may be requested to pay for the consultation visit, but this is at the discretion of the doctor.

When scheduling an appointment, be sure to inquire about the cost of a consultation visit. Beard implants are cosmetic procedures, so insurance does not cover them. Inquire about financing options as well, as some surgeons accept payments in installments.

What Are the Rewards of a Beard Transplant Procedure?

1. Total Command

It’s the same as choosing a hairstyle: you choose the one that appeals to you. You can even find several beard photos and bring the beard style you prefer to the clinic. The doctor will make every effort to create one that is similar to it. You can even ask to see before and after pictures of beard transplants.

2. Loving, Sexing, and Respecting

Several studies have found that it drew most women to men with facial hair. According to a 2013 survey, women preferred men with stubble as sex partners, while they regarded men with full beards as the best potential fathers and the most masculine.

But we’re not just interested in what women will fall for; we’re also interested in gaining the respect of other men. The study also discovered that men consider beards to be the most masculine. Men with beards provide a sense of security because they appear more substantial than other men, according to the study.

3. Minor Affect

The cuts on the face are so small that you will only feel minor discomfort.

4. Quick Recover Time

Since the procedure may take up to five hours, you may need to take a sick day on the day of the procedure. You will experience limited redness and swelling for a couple of days after it is finished.

5. You may Groom Your Beard Like Any Other Guy

Because they are permanently grafted in the new hair follicles, your beard will look and function like anyone else’s.

The Downsides of a Beard Transplant

1. You will give up hair from another part of your body.

They typically source the hair used for beard transplants from the back of your scalp. The hair may appear thinner because the doctor only removes every fifth hair, but there are no visible bald patches.

2. Beard Falling Out in 3 Weeks

Don’t get too attached to the beard because it won’t be attached to you in three weeks. It is important to note that this is a common temporary side effect, and you will have a full beard within the time frame specified by your surgeon.

3. It Is Expensive

A beard transplant from a reputable clinic will cost you between $5,000 and $15,000. There are less expensive options, but please do your homework and avoid inexperienced surgeons.

Some clinics charge per graft (the total price is the number of grafts multiplied by the cost per graft), while others charge per session. Because some patients need more grafts than others, you can choose a price-per-graft plan.

In addition, consultation fees in some medical centers can exceed $300. You go to a dermatologist to find out what’s causing your lack of or patchy facial hair. The advantage of this consultation is that they may give you advice on how to grow a beard naturally rather than undergoing a transplant.

Some Beard Implant Alternatives

If you believe that a beard implant is too expensive, invasive, or both, here are some other options for growing a beard.

Minoxidil is a type of disinfectant (Rogaine)

Minoxidil (Rogaine) is a popular treatment for scalp hair loss, also shown to promote facial hair growth. Minoxidil topical is available in foam and liquid forms. The disadvantage is that when you stop using this product, new hair may stop growing or grow at a slow rate.

Concerning Minoxidil

They initially developed this medication to treat high blood pressure. One of the most common Minoxidil side effects is decreased blood pressure, so consult your doctor if you use other blood pressure medications or have a heart condition.


Supplements containing the B vitamin biotin (which promotes healthy hair growth) and L-carnitine-L-tartrate are two other products that can help with beard development. Another thing that can help with hair growth on your face and scalp.

Choices in Lifestyle

Although genetics play a significant role in hair growth, the following lifestyle habits can help you accelerate beard hair growth:
Every night, get 7-8 hours of sleep.

Consume a healthy diet that includes vegetables and fruits high in vitamins A, B, C, D, and E, as well as foods high in zinc, iron, whole grains, and lean proteins.Improve blood circulation through exercise to ensure healthy hair follicles.


To summarize, getting a beard implant is a sure-fire way to get the beard you’ve always wanted. It’s a long-term solution for people with light facial hair, and it’s becoming more popular around the world, though it’s not the only way to deal with low growth rates and patchiness.

If you want to get a beard, you should go to the most skilled specialists as well as reputable health centers.

Consider that having a beard implant is a significant and costly decision in your life, so do thorough research to ensure that you want it. Are you thinking about getting a beard transplant, or have you already had one?

What were the outcomes and experiences you had if you had it? Any feedback, suggestions, or comments are appreciated.