Brain Health

Brain Health

Brain Health Category

Jojoba Oil Benefits for Face, Hair, Body and More

Jojoba Oil, it is a plant wax, Though known as an oil which is in use in folk medicine for any variety of disorders....

Lacrimal Duct Obstruction: 9 Direct Risks

Lacrimal Duct Obstruction Lacrimal duct obstruction is caused by a partial or complete blockage of the tear duct, the thin channel (small tube) that normally...

Amazon is officially buying Whole Foods

Is Amazon buying Whole Foods? It was a bit of a shocker in the world of organics when the online giant announced it was purchasing the...

6 Natural Ways to Boost Hypothalamus Function

The hypothalamus is an essential part of the human brain and is often considered the “control center” for most hormones. Its working relationship with the...

Methamphetamine Treatment – 6 Worst Signs

Methamphetamine Treatment Methamphetamine is a highly addictive type of drug called a stimulant. A stimulant is a drug that increases alertness and energy temporarily by...

Migraine: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis And Treatments

Migraine DEFINITION A migraine headache is an excruciating type of throbbing headache often associated with nausea and sensitivity to light or sound. Several migraines have been...

Cerebral Palsy Life Expectancy and Natural Treatments

Cerebral Palsy Life Expectancy Lots of parents have worries about the life expectancy of the kid with cerebral palsy. Life expectancy describes the typical survival time...

Lupus: Symptoms, Causes And Research

LUPUS Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), ordinarily called lupus, is a chronic autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in many body organs, including the joints, skin, kidneys,...

Music Therapy Jobs: Becoming A Music Therapist

Music Therapist Music therapy uses an individual's response to music to improve mood, mobility, and well-being. For centuries, music has been effective in lifting mood...

Complete Guide to Healthy Child Care: Expert Tips for New Parents...

This detailed guide presents research-supported strategies for fostering the well-being and happiness of children. Drawing from pediatric research and expert recommendations, we cover essential aspects of child care, including nutrition, physical activity, emotional development, and safety. Whether a...
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