Mental Health

Mental Health Category Page

The 4-Day Work Week: Could It Work In the U.S.?

The buzz is surrounding Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin’s remarks on a shorter workweek set off a firestorm of debate. And although Finland announced it...

What Is Eustress and Why Is It Good For You?

The term eustress was coined in the 1970s by an endocrinologist named Hans Selye, who combined the Greek prefix EU- (meaning “good”) with stress. Eustress,...

Your Self-Care Checklist: Stay Healthy In All Parts of Your Life

You’d think that “self-care” is a series of intuitive actions that are done naturally, but that’s not true, is it? Practicing self-care requires reflection...

Choosing Your Supplements Based on Your Zodiac Sign?

Supplements Based on Your Zodiac Sign Sounds crazy, I know, but when it comes to astrology, my belief system is that God created the stars,...

Aconite Safe Remedy or Dangerous Poison?

What exactly Is Aconite? Aconite name is given to a family of plants native to Europe and utilized in homeopathic medication. It's thought that there are...

How to Be Happy: 15 Life-Changing Steps

How to Be Happy. Who does not wish to be joyful? Besides only feeling much better days, there's even scientific research to demonstrate that being...

Kindness Slows Aging and Should Be Part of Everyone’s Wellness Plan

Kindness Slows Aging Several studies reveal that Kindness Slows Aging, exercising kindness fosters enjoyment levels, but new evidence suggests that it also promotes healthy aging. Including...

5 Benefits of Unplugging for the Holidays + 5 Tips

The onslaught of family members, friends and social events which happens throughout the holidays is enough to make even the very social person wish...

What Is a Sociopath? Key Traits, Causes & Current Treatments

What Is a Sociopath? Know somebody who tends to be anxious, jittery, easily annoyed, or maybe abusive towards other people occasionally? Worried that this Individual...

Anorexia Nervosa: 7 Alarming Signs You Must Take Seriously

Anorexia Nervosa Anorexia nervosa is one of the highest common eating disorders and a type of mental illness. People who have anorexia, as it is...
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