Mental Health

Mental Health Category Page

Tired and Stressed? You May Have a Qi Deficiency

As important as it is to comprehend the meaning of qi in order to fully understand Chinese philosophy as it pertains to health, there isn’t a...

Loneliness: A Worse Killer than Obesity + What to Do About...

Loneliness may be more of a hazard to our health than obesity, according to a 2017 article published by the American Psychological Association in...

Healing Prayer Is There Such a Thing?

If you’ve read many of the articles on this site, something you’re probably already aware of is that I believe in focusing on your...

Use Breathwork Techniques to Boost Your Mental State

When you’re feeling particularly stressed and anxious, meditating is a terrific way of easing the mind and gaining some clarity. Of course, it’s not always...

Dysthymia: Coping with Chronic Depression (+ 7 Mood Boosters)

Dysthymia — also known as persistent depressive disorder, chronic depression, or dysthymic disorder — is a long-lasting form of clinical depression. It often lasts for...

Panic Attack Symptoms + 10 Unexpected Triggers

Have you ever experienced panic attack symptoms? If you have, then you know that the sensations are so intense it feels like you could...

7 Seasonal Affective Disorder Natural Treatments That Work

Do your energy levels plummet once the summer months are over? Does your motivation socialize with friends and family or even leave the house to...

Can Emotions Lower Inflammation? 5 Ways to Get Those Emotions

Could experiencing a range of positive emotions improve your health and reduce disease risk? According to a recent study, yes, certain emotions lower inflammation …...

Phubbing: The Latest Ugly Side Effect of Cell Phone Use

As if the link between cell phones and cancer wasn’t enough, we now have phubbing to worry about. Now, you may or may not be wondering: What...

Using Exercise as Active Meditation

What if you could burn calories, fight cravings, reduce stress, and lower blood pressure all at the same time? Well, it's certainly possible. Separately,...
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