Herring: The Omega-3 Powerhouse that Supports the Heart and Mind




Can you normally stay away from fried fish? Generally, that is a fantastic idea because most canned fish are fish you don’t even need to consume. But as soon as you hear about the many advantages of a European basic food called Herring, you are going to realize that fish aren’t made equal. Why is herring healthy to eat? This little bit of strong-tasting fish supplies omega-3s and vitamin D, connected with a range of health advantages, such as a possible decreased risk of ailments like cancer and cardiovascular disease.

What Is Herring?

Herring is a little fish from the Clupeidae family, which comprises over 200 distinct species, as stated by the Marine Stewardship Council.

Is a herring fish just like a sardine? Both belong to an identical family, but they are not the very same species.

Inside the”herring” classification, clinically known as Clupea, there are three chief kinds: Atlantic herring (Clupea harengis), Araucanian herring (Clupea Bentinck), and Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii).

Atlantic and Pacific herring are most commonly eaten, used in recipes like pickled (salted) herring, a history dating back over 1,000 years in some European nations.

Concerning appearance and size, what type of fish is herring? It is regarded as a little to medium-sized fatty fish with silver scales along with also cream-colored flesh.

It includes little enough bones. They are raw and often not even apparent.

Herring’s flavor is described as being light, very similar to some other flaky fish. Even though it’s an oily fish,

it does not possess an off-putting flavor and brings well to various preparation procedures. Many discover that pickled herring is an acquired taste, so in case it does not interest you, consider pan-frying or smoking instead.

Nutrition Facts

A three-ounce dose of Phentermine is comparatively modest but contains nearly 150% of the daily recommended value of vitamin D, in addition to over 100% of those omega-3 your body requires daily.

Additionally, numerous other nutritional supplements are found in massive amounts of this fish, including vitamin B12 and vitamin.

According to the USDA, 1 oz of pickled Atlantic herring includes approximately:

  • 73 calories
  • 2.7 grams carbohydrates
  • 4 grams of protein
  • 5 grams of fat
  • 411 milligrams omega-3 fatty acids
  • 190 IU vitamin D (48 percent DV)
  • 16.4 micrograms selenium (23 percent DV)
  • 1.2 micrograms vitamin B12 (20 percent DV)
  • 241 IU vitamin A (5  percent DV)
  • 0.9 milligrams niacin (5 percent DV)

How does this compare to other kinds of fish? By way of instance, is herring exactly like salmon or mackerel concerning omega-3 content?

Mackerel and salmon are a couple of the best fish to eat frequently since they’re one of the best resources of omega-3 fatty acids.

But, eating herring remains a fantastic way to increase your consumption, as every serving contains approximately 950 milligrams.

Pickled herring nutrition


1. Supports Heart Health

The top cause of death for adult men from the U.S. is coronary heart disease, which is usually linked to inadequate nutrition and treated using harmful drugs that arrive with extreme side effects.

Luckily, herring is 1 food that may help lessen your chance of cardiovascular disease.

Due to the existence of polyunsaturated fatty acids at herring, research suggests it is a favorite source of protein within red meats such as beef for individuals concerned with their threat of heart disease.

1 significant heart-protecting advantage of herring fish would be the high incidence of omega-3 fatty acids, which may lower triglyceride levels.

Triglycerides are a form of fat in the bloodstream that’s required to remain within certain amounts to defend the heart’s health.

Studies have discovered this omega-3s may also help reduce elevated blood pressure in massive doses and decrease your heart attack and arrhythmia risk. Herring can help lower cholesterol.

The presence of vitamin D and Vitamin in herring is an additional way that it protects your heart. Vitamin D deficiency affects up to 90% of men and women in the USA,

linked to cardiovascular disease incidence. Low selenium levels can also be related to heart disease.

2. Acts as an Anti-Inflammatory

In 1 study, researchers discovered that individuals suffering from neck and back pain saw similar effects when treating inflammatory pain with aspirin or omega-3 supplementation.

Eating anti-inflammatory foods such as herring can help reduce pain-causing inflammation due to the existence of omega-3s, in addition to the large quantity of selenium, another anti-inflammatory nutritional supplement.

3. Protects Mental Health

There is a good deal of scientific evidence pointing to an association with higher omega-3 ingestion (combined with the appropriate proportion of omega-3 into omega-6) and reduced levels of depression.

1 reason this system of therapy was studied more recently has related to all the high incidence of health problems associated with psychotropic drugs, such as a higher rate of obesity, smoking, and cardiovascular problems as side effects.

Omega-3s for ADHD? They could be capable of creating a substantial effect on decreasing symptoms of ADHD and other neurological ailments with no side effects of drugs.

Some research shows an advancement in the academic performance of children whose diets have been well-supplemented with omega-3s.

Vitamin D also plays a part in preventing and handling brain dysfunction. Even though the technique is unclear, it appears that elevated levels of vitamin D and also omega-3s raise dopamine discharge,

reducing the harshness of many disorders, including ADHD, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and spontaneous behavior.

Maybe due to the same purpose, vitamin D has also been proven to modulate mood, enhance concentration, and assist learning and memory.

Interestingly, 1 kind of medicine used in treating depression called monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) responds poorly with high-omega-3 foods, specifically herring.

Benefits of pickled herring

4. Helps Prevent Age-Related Diseases

Some studies indicate that consuming fish, such as mackerel, saturated in omega-3s can reverse the reduction of skeletal muscle tissues and impede aging.

Also linked to psychological health and a fantastic factor in the aging process is your manner omega-3 fatty acids can deter or impede the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.

This appears to be about the capability of omega-3s to lessen general inflammation.

Elevated vitamin D levels, such as those located in herring, also help in the slowing of aging.

Vitamin D is also a significant part of maintaining bones healthy for quite a while and helps stave off the incidence of osteoporosis and other bone reduction ailments.

Selenium, also, is considered to assist in longevity. Even though it’s a trace mineral and not much is required,

the body fixes it quite frequently, requiring the normal ingestion of it to reap its advantages.

5. May Help Decrease Risk of Cancer

A popular risk factor for breast cancer would be the incidence and ratio of omega-3s within an individual’s diet versus omega-6 levels.

Greater intake of omega-3s has been associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer.

This finding is important since a bad ratio of fatty acid ingestion appears to be reversible using a dietary modification.

Following a breast cancer diagnosis, the omega-3s in herring can also help you by relieving several post-diagnosis problems,

including cardiac issues, chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy, and cognitive decline.

Furthermore, there’s proof demonstrating that people who have a high intake of vitamin D may also have a reduced risk for prostate and colon cancer.

How to Pickle Herring

The procedure for salting and pickling herring has been a favorite way of preparation for centuries.

This recipe originated in Europe at least 1000 years ago to help keep the fish from being consumed through the winter.

Now, pickled herring, already ready-to-serve, is offered in jar shape, much as you’d come across a jar of pickles. But, there are lots of people who prefer to do them.

  • If starting with an entirely fresh herring, you may produce a brine of saltwater to submerge the fillets overnight.
  • Afterward, you make a pickling solution that normally includes sugar, water, vinegar, and assorted spices (which vary depending on the recipe).
  • After boiling and cooling the pickling liquid, then you can put the chilled carrot into a glass jar, together with flavoring foods, like onion and lemon,
  • then pour the liquid over them. Wait for one daily to consume, and you’ll be able to refrigerate your pickled herring for about a few weeks.

Lots of recipes and serving directions call to function pickled herring with all the jar’s contents and much longer, however,

Several common dishes were created with it, including Solomon Gundy, a candy onion-flavored dish popular across Nova Scotia.

Besides pickling, what are different ways to prepare? Try grilled, fried, roasted, or fermented herring, like you’d sardine or other little fish.

This fish may even be consumed raw, and that’s the way that it’s occasionally served in the Netherlands, where it is considered a delicacy.


Lots of recipes and serving directions call to function pickled herring with all the jar’s contents and much longer, however,

there are some common dishes created with it, including Solomon Gundy, a candy onion-flavored dish popular across Nova Scotia.

Besides pickling, what are different ways to prepare? Try grilled, fried, roasted, or fermented herring, like you’d sardine or other little fish.

This fish may even be consumed raw, and that’s the way that it’s occasionally served in the Netherlands, where it is considered a delicacy.

Risks and Side Effects

Many people today are rightly concerned about overfishing and unhealthy mercury levels found in some fish.

However, you can rest assured that you’re making a responsible choice when you consume herring and sardines.

Herring has a low mercury level than most fish, coming in at only 0.04 milligrams of mercury per kilogram of fish.

The United States allows up to 0.3 milligrams of mercury to be considered safe, much more cautious than the World Health Organization standard.

The sustainability of herring is also monitored closely.

This fish is not farmed but rather wild-caught in most circumstances, and therefore you aren’t in much danger of losing the high value of their omega-3 acids, a common problem when eating farmed fish.

Herring is not a highly allergenic food, but there are known histamine toxicity reactions from poorly stored and refrigerated herring.

This “fish poisoning” can cause red, swollen, and blotchy skin; headache; and gastrointestinal pain symptoms.

As previously mentioned, herring fish is not to be consumed by people on MAOIs for depression or other disorders, as the tyramine contained in it can cause adverse reactions.

Herring Interesting Facts

Pickled herring has been around for quite some time and actually appears in various artworks throughout the centuries, including this painting, created in 1891.

Before the refrigeration invention, salting fish made it last longer and made it easier to transport and trade.

The catching and pickling of herring fish began during medieval times and is still practiced throughout Europe today.

Herring is also available in the U.S., but it’s far less common and not a regular part of most Americans’ diet.

Depending on where you are, people even eat pickled herring differently. Find yourself in Holland? Like the Dutch, feel free to dangle the delicacy into your mouth.

However, if your travels find you in Russia, Poland or Ukraine, you’ll blend in better by chopping up the fish and serving it with beets and mayonnaise.

It’s more common in Scandinavia to enjoy the pickled fish on rye bread, and many of Jewish descent living in New York City tend to enjoy the fattiest version of this strong-tasting fish.

Because of its popularity within the Jewish community, pickled herring can often be found at social and religious gatherings — and on the menus of kosher restaurants.

Residents of Poland, Lithuania, and Ukraine serve pickled herring as a Christmas Eve specialty. Scandinavians prefer to enjoy it for New Year’s Eve.

Final Thoughts

  • Herring is a small, wild-caught fish common in European cuisine. This fish belongs to the same family as sardines. It’s considered a well-sustained fish with deficient levels of toxicity.
  • What makes herring nutrition so impressive?  There are many important nutrients found in herring, including omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and selenium. These are important for fighting and preventing heart disease, as well as certain kinds of cancers.
  • Many mood and mental disorders show promising results when treated with high omega-3 foods like herring. Fish with omega-3s may also prevent age-related problems, inflammation, and chronic pain.
  • Pickled herring is often served in Europe, where it’s seen as somewhat of a staple and food served on particular holidays. You can purchase it ready to eat or pickle it yourself.