Wormwood: The Parasite-Killing, Cancer-Fighting Herb


Do Vincent van Gogh, Edgar Degas, and Pablo Picasso, have more in stock, compared to their incredible painting abilities?

All of these shared an interest in absinthe, a botanical spirit produced from Wormwood, anise, also fennel.

Absinthe is in the moment banned in the U.S. and also in several different countries. However, it’s still legal in Europe.

You might have known of Wormwood because of its inclusion in this European beverage, but did you also know it also holds an ability actual.

Wormwood can eliminate worms, pinworms, and roundworms.

That’s precisely why it recommended as a member of a parasite Strong is Wormwood? It’s owed compliments, and thanks for being the origin of the vital ingredient for its herbal medicine artemisinin, which is the most potent antimalarial in the market today.

Also, it does not stop there. Research that is clinical additionally demonstrate that Wormwood may even destroy cancer cells.

Wormwood tea can likewise be employed to fight anorexia, nausea, sleeplessness, a lack of appetite, flatulence, abdominal pain, jaundice, and bad digestion.

Wormwood plant is used in carbonated beverages while the wormwood celebrity is mentioned in the bible.

An intriguing plant, to say the least, however, can this herb conquer parasites and also cancer? Studies conducted state, yes, and also, the positive medicinal effects continue coming.

Of program, There’s an excellent reason for care using wormwood products (like absinthe) also, but once you learn about thujone, then you’ll see why not all of the wormwood products are created

What Is Wormwood?

The Wormwood is what exactly? Artemisia absinthium is an odorous, perennial that goes into the Asteraceae or Compositae family, more commonly known as the family.

This artemisia plant has a hot taste and releases an odor.

Species of the artemisia household tend to have medicinal properties. It’s associated with Artemisia vulgaris, or mugwort, another medicinal herb.

Even the wormwood herb is native to Europe and also parts of Africa and Asia. Nowadays, it also grows wild in the U.S., many commonly along paths or roads.

Also known as shrub wormwood, Artemisia absinthium is a shrubby plant that usually grows to become one to three feet tall.

It’s yellowish-green leaves that are silky and hairy and white or gray-green stems covered by fine hairs.

The plant’s leaves have glands that have in which the organic insecticide is saved, resinous particles.

Sweet Wormwood (Artemisia annua), likewise known as sweet annie, sweet sagewort, yearly mugwort, or yearly Wormwood, is a various sort of Wormwood native to temperate Asia but naturalized in areas of North America.

Wormwood may be used either fresh or dried. Each of the airborne elements (stem, leaves, and flowers) of this plant have medicinal uses, along with wormwood tea, which is standard in use for a variety of ailments.

Steam distillation extracts from flowering tops and leaves the oil.

One analysis of this essential oil of Artemisia absinthium discovered that it contains at least 28 elements representing 93.3% of the petroleum.

The original parts are β- and – pinene (23.8 percent) and also β- thujone (18.6 percent).

Thujone is the compound. Distilling the plant in alcohol increases the thujone focus, which is what makes absinthe such a liquor of choice.

The biologically active compounds of Wormwood include:


ascorbic acid


trans-sabinylacetate, phellandrene, pinene, and others)


flavonoids (quercetin 3-glucoside, quercitin 3-rhamnoglucoside, spinacetin 3-glucoside,

spinacetin 3-rhamnoglucoside, and others)

lignins (diayangambin and epiyangambin)

phenolic acids (p-hydroxyphenyl acetic, p-coumaric, chlorogenic, protocatechuic, vanillic,

syringic and many lots of others



sesquiterpene lactones arabsin, artabin, artabsinolides, artemolin, matricin, isoabsinthin and many others )


Whether you are using ointment, infusion, tincture, or tea, the advantages of this curative herb are immense.

1. Beats Malaria

Malaria is a disease contracted from a parasite that is transmitted through the bite of infected mosquitoes and invades human red blood cells.

Artemisinin is an herbal drug that’s the antimalarial on the industry. It is known for reducing the number of parasites in the bloodstream of individuals diagnosed with malaria.

The World Health Organization recommends artemisinin-based combination therapies as first-line therapy for uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria.

Recent experiments have shown since it responds with the high levels of iron from the uterus that artemisinin is successful from the malaria parasite.

The free radicals destroy the cell walls of the malaria parasite.


Based on current studies, artemisinin can battle breast cancer cells similar to the way malaria-causing parasites are eliminated by it, making it a possible cancer treatment alternative for women with breast cancer.

Cancer cells may also be rich in iron since they soak it up to ease cell division.

Researchers in a 2012 study tested healthy breast cells that had been treated to optimize their iron content and samples of breast cancer cells. The cells were subsequently processed using a type of artemisinin.

The results were awe-inspiring. Over 16 hours, almost all the cancer cells have been dead, and cells that were healthy only small numbers were killed, although the healthy cells revealed little change.

Bioengineer Henry Lai believes that since a breast cancer cell contains five to 15 more receptors than usual, it absorbs iron quickly and hence is more prone to artemisinin’s assault.

3. Gets rid of Parasites

Wormwood is utilized to eliminate intestinal worms. Roundworms, or nematodes, are parasites that also infect human intestines, and tapeworms are very long, flat worms that affect human and animal organs.

And a study conducted in Sweden indicates that to deworm farm animals, a mixture of Wormwood, mugwort, chicory, and also common tansy has been thought to possess anti-parasite properties.

wormwood the parasite killing cancer fighting super herb

4. Treats Crohn’s Disease

Back in Germany, the researchers analyzed the effectiveness of an herbal combination containing Wormwood over ten weeks in 40 patients with Crohn’s disease that was already on a dose of steroids at a dose of 500 mg twice daily versus placebo.

This first stable dose of steroids was preserved after that until a week so that from the start of week 10, each of the patients was steroid-free, and a defined tapering program was launched.

After eight months of treatment with Wormwood, there was nearly complete remission of symptoms in 13 (65 percent) patients in this group when compared with none in the placebo group.

This remission lasted until the conclusion of the monitoring interval, which was 20 months (12 weeks later), and also the addition of steroids was not vital.

The outcomes were indicative and awe-inspiring of having the ability to reduce or eliminate the need for steroids in people living with Crohn’s disease.

Additionally, results indicate that Wormwood has favorable effects on mood and quality of life, which isn’t achieved by additional Crohn’s disease medications.

5. Includes Antimicrobial and Antifungal Abilities

In vitro studies have shown that the vital oils of Wormwood have antifungal activity.

The study released in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry suggests that wormwood oil exhibits a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity against many bacterial strains, including E. coli and salmonella.

Each year, salmonella is anticipated to cause 1 million illnesses in the U.S. alone, using 19,000 hospitalizations and also 380 deaths.

E. coli is another concerning the sort of bacteria which can cause a range of issues, from allergies to urinary tract infections for pneumonia and other disorders.

Not only does Wormwood kill bacteria, but it has also been demonstrated to eradicate fungi.

Study shows that essential oil distilled from the aerial portions of Artemisia absinthium inhibited the development of a vast spectrum of analyzed fungi (11 to be precise ).

The wormwood essential oil also showed properties through testing.

Another research published in Planta Medica concludes that A. absinthium oil inhibits the rise of Candida albicans.

This is the type of yeast infection, and it might affect the skin and other mucous membranes.

6. Treats SIBO

Many men and women turn to natural and alternative treatments as soon as it comes to problems with their health, and also for a good reason.

Studies indicate that herbal remedies like capsules or wormwood tea are even better or as good at fighting bacterial overgrowth or SIBO symptoms.

Now’s the typical treatment of SIBO is limited to antibiotics.

A 2014 research had 104 patients who tested positive for newly diagnosed SIBO take either a high dose of rifaximin or an herbal treatment daily for four weeks.

The herbal products were chosen because they contained antibacterial herbs such as berberine extracts, and Wormwood, eucalyptus oil, chamomile, which were shown to provide coverage against the kinds of bacteria most commonly involved.

Of the patients who were introduced to herbal therapy, 46 percent showed no signs of SIBO on followup evaluations compared to 34 percent of rifaximin users.

Adverse effects reported one of those taking rifaximin contained anaphylaxis, hives, diarrhea, and C. difficile colitis, while only 1 case of diarrhea and no additional side effects have been reported from the herbal therapy group.

The analysis concluded that herbal remedies are as effective as rifaximin for the eradication of SIBO. Herbal remedy with Wormwood appears to be as effective as triple therapy.

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The Way to Use

Wormwood is available online as an essential oil and health store, in addition to strains that are capsule, tablet, tincture, and liquid extract.

Also, it can be utilized in an approach to generate tea or an extract.

It is best utilized in dehydrated thujone. To make an extract, follow along with Wormwood

Tea recipe:

You should use no longer than one teaspoon of the leaves since they’re sharp and sour.

The longer time that is extreme will result in a beverage, but also a stronger tea.

Tea can be useful before foods that may lead to gut and gas, especially for digestion. Research suggests that Wormwood will help relieve symptoms of Crohn’s disease.

Tea dose varies based on what you are using it for. Since the bitter taste is a vital element of its effect on stomach disorders, tea training is sipped.

Besides, it can be obtained as an occasional energy tonic.

For issues such as parasites or worms, it is ideal to choose Wormwood in pill form.

You might use other and Wormwood botanicals at a bitters recipe that is homemade. Bitters create a superb digestive aid.

Goods or tea should be obtained under the supervision of an expert. It should be produced as directed and for no more.

Allergies and Medication Interactions, Negative Effects
Herb isn’t intended for usage.

Ensure that you don’t exceed recommended dosages because ingestion might be poisonous.

The FDA lists Wormwood dangerous for use due to the toxicity of oil that is thujone.

But it is regarded as secure when taken by mouth at the quantities found such as vermouth and bitters, provided that these goods are thujone-free.

When taken orally such as absinthe, it may be dangerous. Effects may include difficulty sleeping, migraines, nausea, nausea, tremors, muscle breakdown, kidney failure, nausea urine retention, hunger paralysis, irritability, and death.

If you are pregnant, breast-feeding, or do not take this herb. There have been recorded emmenagogue and abortifacient ramifications of Wormwood.

If you have allergic to ragweed and other crops at the Asteraceae/ / Compositae household, then Wormwood might result in an allergic response.

In case you have porphyria (a group of disorders that result in the buildup of pure compounds that create porphyrin on your own body ). You need to be aware that the thujone within wormwood oil may raise the body’s production of compounds called porphyrins, which might create your porphyria worse.

In case you have another seizure disorder or epilepsy, talk with your health care provider. The thujone at trigger seizures.

Wormwood isn’t recommended for individuals with kidney ailments. The oil might cause kidney failure. Do not take this herb In case you have kidney issues.

Because it includes an amount of thujone, which can be a convulsant and 27, it is not recommended to use the essential oil.

Be careful and talk with your physician before mixing Wormwood with almost any anticonvulsant, and it is. The efficacy of anticonvulsants may reduce. Considering brain chemicals can influence.

Wormwood Interesting Facts

The name wormwood is derived from the historical use of the herb, and its distill as an abdominal anthelmintic, antiparasitic cure that removes parasitic worms and also other internal parasites out of the body.

In the old Egyptian Era, it was a generally used medical herb, especially

for rectal pain, and as an addition to the wine.

Down the road, it had been found in Western folk medicine to induce labor. The plant, even when steeped into a tea that was wormwood, was used in a sour stomach stabilizer as well as Europe to fend off indigestion and loss of appetite.

Tea was used in Europe in addition to a gut stabilizer that was sour to stave off indigestion and loss of desire.

Correlated and A popular drink in 19th century France, absinthe has been regarded as addictive with a selection of unwanted effects known to the nervous system.

Absinthe was made famous by some artists and writers, such as Pablo Picasso, Henri, Édouard Manet, Edgar Degas, Vincent van Gogh, Ernest Hemingway, and Oscar Wilde.

The manic depressive painter Vincent van Gogh had been hooked to absinthe, plus a few states his persistent drinking of this directed to a number of the paintings possess a green or yellow tint (as a result of thujone hallucinatory effects) — also that the Wormwood enhanced his epilepsy.

Absinthe is a soul produced from botanicals. Ingredients incorporate leaves and the blossoms of wormwood, anise, and so forth. It’s prohibited in the U.S. in addition to several different nations.

It’s perhaps not prohibited in individual European Union states provided that the content is significantly less than 35 mg per kg. Thujone is the substance.

The concentration that is thujone advances. Thujone-free infusion that was wormwood is utilized as a flavoring in beverages.

Wormwood, or its own derivative compound components, has been cited in many publications, drama with, also from other art forms, from Bram Stoker’s”Dracula” into John Locke, experiments to”Romeo and Juliet.” There are lots of Bible references for the particular herb. (Rev 8:10–1 1 )

Final Thoughts

Absinthe is a manly spirit made from Wormwood, anise, and fennel, but that’s not all Wormwood is suitable for.

It’s used to eliminate worms pinworms and roundworms, and it is the origin of the ingredient.

It has also been proven to kill cancer cells and cure insomnia, anorexia, anemia, a loss of appetite, flatulence, stomach pain, jaundice, and indigestion.

Specifically, this herb has been demonstrated to conquer malaria, kill breast cancer cells, remove parasites, treat Crohn’s disease, including antimicrobial and antifungal skills, and treat SIBO.

Wormwood is commercially available in health stores and online as an essential oil, in addition to in capsule, tablet, tincture, and liquid extract strains.

It can also be utilized in a way to generate an infusion or tea.